The Biggest Conspiracy Theory (Home Base)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Under Construction

Hello Everyone! Thanks for checking back. I have been receiving so much information on many relative topics, that I decided it best to thin things out to avoid topic confusion and post jumbling. I tried to simplify the blogging process by devoting seperate "blogs" for each category of topics, with The Biggest Conspiracy Theory becoming "Home Base".

I will use Home Base for posting my very own words, ideas and thoughts on many different topics. I hope to make it an interactive place among us like-minded seekers of truth, with a place for give and take conversation. Until I set up a dialogue tool on the page, please feel free to use the comment buttons to speak your mind.

I am still transfering past posts to the proper place and adding new material daily. Check out Sugar, Sugar for articles on sugar, substitutes, and sugar illnesses ( a must read for everyone!). Visit News & Views On Foods for info on beef, other meats, milk and other dairy. And go see Drugs, Diseases & Vaccinations for materials along these themes.

I hope this is simpler for everyone.

Blog-On, ask questions and don't stop seeking truth!


Why I Chose To Do This Blog

Hello bloggers. I had to post today. I have to tell you about this book I'm reading. I won't tell you who it's written by until the end*, because most people have heard the author's name and made up their minds about how they feel based on hear-say. If you've already read the book, then of course you'll know who it is. Sshhh. Don't give it away. The blue is me. The red is my paraphrase from the book.

This person was diagnosed by three of the top heart specialists in the country. They each concluded he had been born with severe mitral valve prolapse. He was told there was no cure, yet they all reccommmended experimental drugs and risky surgery, that even if it went well wouldn't offer a normal life expectancy.

He sought another opinion, from a doctor he had heard about in a lecture that was integrating homeopathic and natural remedies with modern medicine and diagnostic equipment.

Upon arrival, he did not tell this doctor his diagnosis. The doc examined him with an 'magical' energy measuring machine. Within a couple minutes he was given the same diagnosis that the 'top 3' had taken several days to produce. "You have severe mitral valve prolape", he stated. The man said, "Yes I know. I understand it is incurable." The doctors response was startling. "Yes, in America it is incurable, but there are natural treatments in other countries that can reverse this problem in a matter of weeks. Unfortunately, the FDA has not approved these treatments. So, yes, in America it is incurable."

This is outrageous, but I believe it to be true. Upon further reading of the book he reveals why it is true, how it is true and just how much more "they" are hiding.

Sound paranoid? Definitely.
Sound too big and too extreme to be true? Of course.
Do I believe it anyway? YES!

I have been reading articles, food labels, accusations from others and it makes sense. I have been visiting natural food stores, and reading as much as possible on how other countries treat illnesses and diseases. I have been reading horror stories about the FDA and our food. Have you ever considered that other countries are not obese. They aren't diabetic. They aren't eating what we eat and they are using herbs and holistic practices.

The fact is that our health (or lack of) is big business. "They" profit from keeping us sick and on drugs.

For example, did you know that vitamin E has been proven and re-proven in double blind studies to be just as, if not more, effective as a blood thinner than it's drug counterpart. But, where is their profit in telling you to take vitamin E?

I have opened my ears and eyes. I am seeking information from others experiences. I am seeking a better way. I believe in the articles I am passing on to you. I will be sharing more, here on the "HomeBase" page in the coming days.

Be well & Be blessed.

*The author, of course, is Kevin Trudeau. The book I am reading is Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About